Weight Loss

Fast Metabolism Diet – Phases, Recipes, What To Eat & Avoid

The fast metabolismXBiochemical reactions within the body responsible for the sustainability and maintenance of living cells of an organism. diet boosts your metabolism and aids in faster weight loss. It was developed by Hailey Pomroy, a celebrity nutritionist and bestselling author. This diet is meant for anyone struggling to shed off a few pounds.

How does this diet work? Consuming food every 1 to 2 hours keeps your metabolism active. The foods allowed in this diet also aid in good digestion – which, in turn, help you burn more calories quickly.

You will follow this plan in three phases for a week. You will be restricting junk food and consuming only specific foods allowed in the fast metabolism diet to kick-start your metabolism. You may have to repeat it for another week and exercise to get the best results. Read on to get all the details about the fast metabolism diet.

Note: The fast metabolism diet is a fad diet. It is best to avoid being on this diet for more than a week or two. However, it works great for quick weight loss. So, you may try it if you have an upcoming event to attend. Consult a registered dietitian to get a long-term weight loss plan.

In This Article

The Fast Metabolism Diet Plan

The Fast Metabolism Diet Plan consists of three phases:

  • Phase 1: Carbs and fruits (Monday & Tuesday)
  • Phase 2: Proteins and veggies (Wednesday & Thursday)
  • Phase 3: Healthy fats, oils, and all of the above (Friday-Sunday)

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 1: Carbs And Fruits (Monday & Tuesday)

Phase 1 helps your body destress and relax by allowing you to eat foods that are high in carbs and fruits, moderate in protein, and low in fats. This phase reduces stress levels and anxiety and encourages the adrenal gland to secrete less amount of cortisol, the stress hormone. Foods high in carbs and glycemic indexXA rating system that demonstrates how a consumed food containing carbohydrates, affects your sugar(glucose) level. can help regulate satiety and hunger (1). The foods that you will eat during this phase will rescue your body from the “famine alert” state, the first step towards boosting your body’s metabolism.

Phase 1 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds
1 cup green tea with honey
Breakfast 1 cup cornflakes with low-fat milk and fruits (avoid banana in this phase)


1 slice of multigrain bread toast, 1 boiled egg/scrambled tofu, 1 cup fat-free milk

Pre-Lunch 1 whole seasonal fruit or 1 glass unstrained fruit juice
Lunch Vegetable wrap or cheese sandwich


Fruit and vegetable salad

Evening Snack Green tea and 1 multigrain biscuit
Dinner 1 medium-sized fillet of grilled fish with veggies


1 small soup bowl of lentil soup with grilled veggies and 1 slice multigrain bread

Bed Time 1 glass unstrained kiwi and black grape juice
Why This Works

A detox drink is a great option to hydrate and rejuvenate your body. You can consume high-carb foods, fruits, and vegetables throughout the day. A small portion of protein is also allowed, according to the book by Hailey Pomroy. This will keep your body active and prepare you for the coming days of rapid weight loss.

The foods listed in the diet chart may not be the best options for you. In that case, here is a list of food substitutes for Phase 1.

Food Substitutes – Phase 1
  • Green tea – Black tea or black coffee
  • Honey – Maple syrup
  • Cornflakes – Oatmeal
  • Milk – Soy milk
  • Fruits – 4 almonds
  • Multigrain bread – Wheat bread or white bread
  • Boiled egg – 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • Fresh juice – 1 apple or 1 orange
  • Vegetable wrap – Chicken or tuna open sandwich
  • Fruit salad – 1 cup buttermilk
  • Multigrain biscuit – 2 saltine crackers
  • Fish – Chicken breast or mushrooms
  • Lentil soup – Kidney bean chilly
  • Kiwi – 1/2 cup watermelon
  • Black grape – 1 orange

Here is a list of foods that you can eat while on Phase 1. 

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To avoid
Vegetables Broccoli, beets, bean sprouts, green leaf lettuce, onions, radish, pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes, winter squash, carrots, celery, cucumber, butternut squash, all kinds of beans, zucchini, and parsnips. Potato
Fruits Berries, apple, watermelon, tangerine, pineapple, pomegranate, lime, lemon, mango, orange, papaya, fig, kiwi, cherries, guavas, apricots, and cantaloupe. Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana. 
Starch & Grains Brown rice, rice flour, brown rice crackers, brown rice pasta, brown rice cereal, black barley, quinoa, fusilli, sprouted grain bagels and bread, nut flours, tapioca, rice milk, tapioca flour, triticale, and oats.
Protein Beef, chicken with or without skin, lamb, fish, tofu, soy, and mushrooms.
Beverages Water and herbal tea (non-caffeinated) AeratedXSomething infused with air or other gasses. Fizzy carbonated drinks such as Soda or Cola are two examples. drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.
Others Garlic, ginger, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.


Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 1

Vegetable Wrap


What You Need
  • 1 tortilla bread
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 5 broccoli florets
  • 1 lettuce leaf
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. JulienneXVegetables finely cut in thin short strips, used in salads and Chinese cuisine. the cucumber and carrot.
  2. Chop the lettuce leaf and thinly slice the broccoli florets.
  3. Throw all the veggies into a bowl.
  4. Add a dash of lime juice and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Toss and turn the veggies to mix well.
  6. Slightly grill the tortilla bread and put the veggie mix on the side.
  7. Top it with Dijon mustard and carefully wrap it.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 1

Eating healthy and tasty, along with exercising, will help in pumping some “feel-good” hormones into your system. You will feel more positive and energetic by the end of Phase 1.

StyleCraze SaysDo cardio workouts like biking, swimming, running, or walking to utilize the energy from carb-rich meals and burn extra calories.Related: 11 Important Health Benefits Of Spinach + Nutrition Facts

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2: Proteins And Veggies (Wednesday & Thursday)

Now that your body is stress-free, it is time to step up and prep your body to burn fat. In this phase, your body will be conditioned to accelerate its metabolic rate to burn up what you eat and also start utilizing the stored fat as energy.

You will be on a high-protein, high vegetable, low-carb, and low-fat diet. A high-protein diet increases the secretion of the satiety hormone, reduces the secretion of the hunger hormone (ghrelin), and induces thermogenesisXBiological process in which burned calories or released energy results in heat production in organisms. (2).

Phase 2 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup warm water with half a lime and honey

Breakfast 2 scrambled egg whites and 1 glass unstrained orange juice or 1 whole seasonal fruit


1 glass vegetable smoothie with 1 tablespoon soaked chia seeds

Scrambled tofu or cottage cheese with vegetables

Pre-Lunch 1 glass of lemonade
Lunch Vegetable clear soup and 1 toasted multigrain bread.


Tuna sandwich (use multigrain bread)

Evening Snack 1 cup baby carrots
Dinner Grilled lean-cut lamb satay


Baked mushroom with veggies

Bed Time 1 glass fat-free warm milk
Why This Works

Lime, honey, and warm water make for a brilliant cleansing drink that can help your body lose fat (3). Phase 2 guides you to eat healthy and balanced portions of protein and veggies for balanced nutrition and satiety.

If you do not like or are allergic to a certain food listed in the diet chart, you can substitute the foods with those listed below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 2
  • Lime – 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • Scrambled egg whites – 2 hard-boiled egg whites or 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • Orange juice – Gooseberry or aloe vera juice
  • Vegetable smoothie – Fresh fruit juice
  • Lemonade – 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
  • Vegetable clear soup – Sautéed veggies
  • Tuna sandwich – Cucumber and tomato sandwich
  • Baby carrots – 1/2 cup pomegranate
  • Lamb satay – Mushroom satay or honey chicken
  • Baked mushroom – Grilled veggies with hummus
  • Milk – Soy milk

You don’t have to restrict yourself to the above-mentioned foods. Check out the next section to see what other foods you can eat.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To avoid
Vegetables Asparagus, French beans, yellow beans, green beans, kale, white beans, bib lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, all types of mushrooms, onions, pepper, garlic, onion, cucumber, collard greens, rhubarb, watercress, spirulina, leek, Swiss chard, and spinach. Potato, legumes, eggplant, bamboo shoots, sprouts, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, summer squash, potatoes, lemons, ketchup, lime, olives, avocados, tomato paste, and seeds and nuts.
Fruits Citrus fruits Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Lean cut beef, lean ground turkey, turkey bacon, chicken breast, turkey jerky, smoked salmon, tuna, oysters, cod, egg white, and milk.  
Beverages Buttermilk, coconut water, fresh vegetable juice, and herbal tea. Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.
Others Baking powder, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.

Eat healthy but make sure that the energy that you get from these foods is put to good use.

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 2 

Grilled Lean-Cut Lamb Satay


What You Need
  • Medium-sized lean cut lamb
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon ginger powder
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
  • A handful of coriander leaves
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. Finely chop the garlic cloves and throw them in a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Add all the other ingredients to the bowl except for the lamb and coriander leaves.
  3. Mix this marinade well.
  4. Put the lamb in the bowl and make sure to coat it evenly and generously with the marinade.
  5. Grill the lamb on both sides.
  6. Garnish with coriander leaves and sprinkle a few sesame seeds on top.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 2

By the end of Phase 2, you will notice a change in your body. You will feel light and active. You will also be more than excited to move on to Phase 3 of this diet plan.

StyleCraze SaysThis is a good time to lift weights and incorporate resistance training into your workout routine.

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3: Healthy Fats, Oils, And All Of The Above (Friday-Sunday)

This is the most active phase of this diet. Your metabolism is on fire, and you start to burn a lot of calories effectively. During this phase, you will eat a lot of healthy fats and oilsand a moderate amount of carbs, proteins, and fruits, and veggies that have a low glycemic index.

Phase 3 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup of green tea with lemon

Breakfast 1 glass avocado and kale smoothie
Pre-Lunch 2 almonds and 2 cashew nuts
Lunch Barbecue chicken salad


Spinach, tomato, and feta salad

Evening Snack apple
Dinner Asian-style veggie kebab


Grilled mackerel with yogurt dip

Bed Time 1 cup of soy milk
Why This Works

It is recommended to start your day with an effective detoxifierXSomething that removes harmful or toxic substances, rendering the object harmless and safe. . Green tea and lemon are just that. Breakfast is the most important meal, and incorporating avocado smoothie in your diet will help you consume a lot of healthy fats before your day begins. Stick to the recommended food options containing high fat and a moderate amount of carbs and protein. This will help your body get the right amount of healthy foods, which will trigger weight loss.

If you are a picky eater and do not like some of the foods listed in the diet chart, eat substitute foods mentioned below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 3
  • Green tea – Herbal tea or black coffee
  • Lemon – Cinnamon powder
  • Avocado – Peach
  • Kale – Spinach
  • Almonds – Pecan nuts
  • Chicken – Tuna or mushroom
  • Spinach – Lettuce
  • Tomato – Roasted bell peppers
  • Feta – Cottage cheese
  • Apple – Pear
  • Veggie kebab – Chicken/mushroom kebab
  • Mackerel – Tuna or chicken breast
  • Yogurt dip – Sour cream
  • Soy milk – Fat-free milk

The food choices are, however, not limited. You can eat the foods mentioned below as well.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To Avoid
Vegetables Artichokes, Brussels sprouts, green beans, beets, butternut squash, French beans, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, radish, watercress, leek, zucchini, celery, wax beans, asparagus, spinach, sweet potato, all types of onions, lettuce (except iceberg), collard greens, fennel, eggplant, garlic, green onions, peppers, rhubarb, shallots, okra, tomatoes, celery, cabbage, palm hearts, mushrooms, olives, cucumbers, and bean sprouts. Potato
Fruits Cherries, lime, lemon, grapefruit, cranberries, coconut, coconut water, coconut milk, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb, and prickly pears. Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Beef tenderloin, ground buffalo, chicken breast, skinless chicken, turkey, lamb chops, rabbit, sirloin steak, lean ground beef, lamb liver, roast beef, deli meat, turkey bacon, sausages, herring, shrimp, salmon, crab, calamari, lobster, smoked oysters, tuna, sea bass, trout, whole eggs, nuts, legumes, seeds, black beans, cashew milk, almond milk, pinto beans, fava beans, kidney beans, butter beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lima beans, lentils, vegan cheddar cheese, great northern beans, cannellini beans, and almond cheese.
Fats & Oils Hazelnuts, almonds, pecan nuts, coconut milk, almond butter, almond milk, hemp seeds, coconut butter, walnut butter, walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter, peanut butter, tahini, flax seeds, chia seeds, avocados, hummus, olive oil, pistachios, sesame seeds, sesame oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and rice bran oil. Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, butter, lard, soya bean oil, margarine, safflower oil, and canola oil.


Beverages Coconut water, fresh fruit and vegetable juice, vegetable smoothies, and buttermilk.


Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.


Others Carob chips, baking powder, mint, celery seed, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, pepper flakes, cardamom, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.


Related: 9 Healthy Sources Of Fats For Vegetarians To Consume

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 3

Spinach, Tomato, And Feta Salad


What You Need
  • A handful of spinach leaves
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1/2 cup roughly crumbled feta cheese
  • A handful of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. BlanchXTo cook vegetables by putting them in boiling water for a short time and removing them quickly to stop the cooking process. the spinach leaves by throwing them into a pot containing boiling water with a little salt. Take out the spinach leaves after 2 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the red onion and parsley and throw them in a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the salad bowl.
  4. Throw the feta cheese into the bowl and add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, and pepper.
  5. Toss and mix well.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 3

After having successfully completed all three phases, you will feel great about yourself. You will love it when you see your body transform. You will look and feel younger.

The fast metabolism diet can not only help you lose weight but also benefit you in many other ways. Here is a list of benefits of the fast metabolism diet.

Benefits Of The Fast Metabolism Diet


What You Need
  • 1 tortilla bread
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 5 broccoli florets
  • 1 lettuce leaf
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. JulienneXVegetables finely cut in thin short strips, used in salads and Chinese cuisine. the cucumber and carrot.
  2. Chop the lettuce leaf and thinly slice the broccoli florets.
  3. Throw all the veggies into a bowl.
  4. Add a dash of lime juice and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Toss and turn the veggies to mix well.
  6. Slightly grill the tortilla bread and put the veggie mix on the side.
  7. Top it with Dijon mustard and carefully wrap it.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 1

Eating healthy and tasty, along with exercising, will help in pumping some “feel-good” hormones into your system. You will feel more positive and energetic by the end of Phase 1.

StyleCraze SaysDo cardio workouts like biking, swimming, running, or walking to utilize the energy from carb-rich meals and burn extra calories.Related: 11 Important Health Benefits Of Spinach + Nutrition Facts

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2: Proteins And Veggies (Wednesday & Thursday)

Now that your body is stress-free, it is time to step up and prep your body to burn fat. In this phase, your body will be conditioned to accelerate its metabolic rate to burn up what you eat and also start utilizing the stored fat as energy.

You will be on a high-protein, high vegetable, low-carb, and low-fat diet. A high-protein diet increases the secretion of the satiety hormone, reduces the secretion of the hunger hormone (ghrelin), and induces thermogenesisXBiological process in which burned calories or released energy results in heat production in organisms. (2).

Phase 2 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup warm water with half a lime and honey

Breakfast 2 scrambled egg whites and 1 glass unstrained orange juice or 1 whole seasonal fruit


1 glass vegetable smoothie with 1 tablespoon soaked chia seeds

Scrambled tofu or cottage cheese with vegetables

Pre-Lunch 1 glass of lemonade
Lunch Vegetable clear soup and 1 toasted multigrain bread.


Tuna sandwich (use multigrain bread)

Evening Snack 1 cup baby carrots
Dinner Grilled lean-cut lamb satay


Baked mushroom with veggies

Bed Time 1 glass fat-free warm milk
Why This Works

Lime, honey, and warm water make for a brilliant cleansing drink that can help your body lose fat (3). Phase 2 guides you to eat healthy and balanced portions of protein and veggies for balanced nutrition and satiety.

If you do not like or are allergic to a certain food listed in the diet chart, you can substitute the foods with those listed below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 2
  • Lime – 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • Scrambled egg whites – 2 hard-boiled egg whites or 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • Orange juice – Gooseberry or aloe vera juice
  • Vegetable smoothie – Fresh fruit juice
  • Lemonade – 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
  • Vegetable clear soup – Sautéed veggies
  • Tuna sandwich – Cucumber and tomato sandwich
  • Baby carrots – 1/2 cup pomegranate
  • Lamb satay – Mushroom satay or honey chicken
  • Baked mushroom – Grilled veggies with hummus
  • Milk – Soy milk

You don’t have to restrict yourself to the above-mentioned foods. Check out the next section to see what other foods you can eat.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To avoid
Vegetables Asparagus, French beans, yellow beans, green beans, kale, white beans, bib lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, all types of mushrooms, onions, pepper, garlic, onion, cucumber, collard greens, rhubarb, watercress, spirulina, leek, Swiss chard, and spinach. Potato, legumes, eggplant, bamboo shoots, sprouts, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, summer squash, potatoes, lemons, ketchup, lime, olives, avocados, tomato paste, and seeds and nuts.
Fruits Citrus fruits Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Lean cut beef, lean ground turkey, turkey bacon, chicken breast, turkey jerky, smoked salmon, tuna, oysters, cod, egg white, and milk.  
Beverages Buttermilk, coconut water, fresh vegetable juice, and herbal tea. Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.
Others Baking powder, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.

Eat healthy but make sure that the energy that you get from these foods is put to good use.

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 2 

Grilled Lean-Cut Lamb Satay


What You Need
  • Medium-sized lean cut lamb
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon ginger powder
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
  • A handful of coriander leaves
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. Finely chop the garlic cloves and throw them in a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Add all the other ingredients to the bowl except for the lamb and coriander leaves.
  3. Mix this marinade well.
  4. Put the lamb in the bowl and make sure to coat it evenly and generously with the marinade.
  5. Grill the lamb on both sides.
  6. Garnish with coriander leaves and sprinkle a few sesame seeds on top.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 2

By the end of Phase 2, you will notice a change in your body. You will feel light and active. You will also be more than excited to move on to Phase 3 of this diet plan.

StyleCraze SaysThis is a good time to lift weights and incorporate resistance training into your workout routine.

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3: Healthy Fats, Oils, And All Of The Above (Friday-Sunday)

This is the most active phase of this diet. Your metabolism is on fire, and you start to burn a lot of calories effectively. During this phase, you will eat a lot of healthy fats and oilsand a moderate amount of carbs, proteins, and fruits, and veggies that have a low glycemic index.

Phase 3 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup of green tea with lemon

Breakfast 1 glass avocado and kale smoothie
Pre-Lunch 2 almonds and 2 cashew nuts
Lunch Barbecue chicken salad


Spinach, tomato, and feta salad

Evening Snack apple
Dinner Asian-style veggie kebab


Grilled mackerel with yogurt dip

Bed Time 1 cup of soy milk
Why This Works

It is recommended to start your day with an effective detoxifierXSomething that removes harmful or toxic substances, rendering the object harmless and safe. . Green tea and lemon are just that. Breakfast is the most important meal, and incorporating avocado smoothie in your diet will help you consume a lot of healthy fats before your day begins. Stick to the recommended food options containing high fat and a moderate amount of carbs and protein. This will help your body get the right amount of healthy foods, which will trigger weight loss.

If you are a picky eater and do not like some of the foods listed in the diet chart, eat substitute foods mentioned below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 3
  • Green tea – Herbal tea or black coffee
  • Lemon – Cinnamon powder
  • Avocado – Peach
  • Kale – Spinach
  • Almonds – Pecan nuts
  • Chicken – Tuna or mushroom
  • Spinach – Lettuce
  • Tomato – Roasted bell peppers
  • Feta – Cottage cheese
  • Apple – Pear
  • Veggie kebab – Chicken/mushroom kebab
  • Mackerel – Tuna or chicken breast
  • Yogurt dip – Sour cream
  • Soy milk – Fat-free milk

The food choices are, however, not limited. You can eat the foods mentioned below as well.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To Avoid
Vegetables Artichokes, Brussels sprouts, green beans, beets, butternut squash, French beans, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, radish, watercress, leek, zucchini, celery, wax beans, asparagus, spinach, sweet potato, all types of onions, lettuce (except iceberg), collard greens, fennel, eggplant, garlic, green onions, peppers, rhubarb, shallots, okra, tomatoes, celery, cabbage, palm hearts, mushrooms, olives, cucumbers, and bean sprouts. Potato
Fruits Cherries, lime, lemon, grapefruit, cranberries, coconut, coconut water, coconut milk, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb, and prickly pears. Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Beef tenderloin, ground buffalo, chicken breast, skinless chicken, turkey, lamb chops, rabbit, sirloin steak, lean ground beef, lamb liver, roast beef, deli meat, turkey bacon, sausages, herring, shrimp, salmon, crab, calamari, lobster, smoked oysters, tuna, sea bass, trout, whole eggs, nuts, legumes, seeds, black beans, cashew milk, almond milk, pinto beans, fava beans, kidney beans, butter beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lima beans, lentils, vegan cheddar cheese, great northern beans, cannellini beans, and almond cheese.
Fats & Oils Hazelnuts, almonds, pecan nuts, coconut milk, almond butter, almond milk, hemp seeds, coconut butter, walnut butter, walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter, peanut butter, tahini, flax seeds, chia seeds, avocados, hummus, olive oil, pistachios, sesame seeds, sesame oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and rice bran oil. Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, butter, lard, soya bean oil, margarine, safflower oil, and canola oil.


Beverages Coconut water, fresh fruit and vegetable juice, vegetable smoothies, and buttermilk.


Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.


Others Carob chips, baking powder, mint, celery seed, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, pepper flakes, cardamom, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.


Related: 9 Healthy Sources Of Fats For Vegetarians To Consume

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 3

Spinach, Tomato, And Feta Salad


What You Need
  • A handful of spinach leaves
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1/2 cup roughly crumbled feta cheese
  • A handful of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. BlanchXTo cook vegetables by putting them in boiling water for a short time and removing them quickly to stop the cooking process. the spinach leaves by throwing them into a pot containing boiling water with a little salt. Take out the spinach leaves after 2 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the red onion and parsley and throw them in a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the salad bowl.
  4. Throw the feta cheese into the bowl and add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, and pepper.
  5. Toss and mix well.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 3

After having successfully completed all three phases, you will feel great about yourself. You will love it when you see your body transform. You will look and feel younger.

The fast metabolism diet can not only help you lose weight but also benefit you in many other ways. Here is a list of benefits of the fast metabolism diet.

Benefits Of The Fast Metabolism Diet


What You Need
  • 1 tortilla bread
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 5 broccoli florets
  • 1 lettuce leaf
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. JulienneXVegetables finely cut in thin short strips, used in salads and Chinese cuisine. the cucumber and carrot.
  2. Chop the lettuce leaf and thinly slice the broccoli florets.
  3. Throw all the veggies into a bowl.
  4. Add a dash of lime juice and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Toss and turn the veggies to mix well.
  6. Slightly grill the tortilla bread and put the veggie mix on the side.
  7. Top it with Dijon mustard and carefully wrap it.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 1

Eating healthy and tasty, along with exercising, will help in pumping some “feel-good” hormones into your system. You will feel more positive and energetic by the end of Phase 1.

StyleCraze SaysDo cardio workouts like biking, swimming, running, or walking to utilize the energy from carb-rich meals and burn extra calories.Related: 11 Important Health Benefits Of Spinach + Nutrition Facts

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2: Proteins And Veggies (Wednesday & Thursday)

Now that your body is stress-free, it is time to step up and prep your body to burn fat. In this phase, your body will be conditioned to accelerate its metabolic rate to burn up what you eat and also start utilizing the stored fat as energy.

You will be on a high-protein, high vegetable, low-carb, and low-fat diet. A high-protein diet increases the secretion of the satiety hormone, reduces the secretion of the hunger hormone (ghrelin), and induces thermogenesisXBiological process in which burned calories or released energy results in heat production in organisms. (2).

Phase 2 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup warm water with half a lime and honey

Breakfast 2 scrambled egg whites and 1 glass unstrained orange juice or 1 whole seasonal fruit


1 glass vegetable smoothie with 1 tablespoon soaked chia seeds

Scrambled tofu or cottage cheese with vegetables

Pre-Lunch 1 glass of lemonade
Lunch Vegetable clear soup and 1 toasted multigrain bread.


Tuna sandwich (use multigrain bread)

Evening Snack 1 cup baby carrots
Dinner Grilled lean-cut lamb satay


Baked mushroom with veggies

Bed Time 1 glass fat-free warm milk
Why This Works

Lime, honey, and warm water make for a brilliant cleansing drink that can help your body lose fat (3). Phase 2 guides you to eat healthy and balanced portions of protein and veggies for balanced nutrition and satiety.

If you do not like or are allergic to a certain food listed in the diet chart, you can substitute the foods with those listed below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 2
  • Lime – 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • Scrambled egg whites – 2 hard-boiled egg whites or 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • Orange juice – Gooseberry or aloe vera juice
  • Vegetable smoothie – Fresh fruit juice
  • Lemonade – 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
  • Vegetable clear soup – Sautéed veggies
  • Tuna sandwich – Cucumber and tomato sandwich
  • Baby carrots – 1/2 cup pomegranate
  • Lamb satay – Mushroom satay or honey chicken
  • Baked mushroom – Grilled veggies with hummus
  • Milk – Soy milk

You don’t have to restrict yourself to the above-mentioned foods. Check out the next section to see what other foods you can eat.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To avoid
Vegetables Asparagus, French beans, yellow beans, green beans, kale, white beans, bib lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, all types of mushrooms, onions, pepper, garlic, onion, cucumber, collard greens, rhubarb, watercress, spirulina, leek, Swiss chard, and spinach. Potato, legumes, eggplant, bamboo shoots, sprouts, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, summer squash, potatoes, lemons, ketchup, lime, olives, avocados, tomato paste, and seeds and nuts.
Fruits Citrus fruits Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Lean cut beef, lean ground turkey, turkey bacon, chicken breast, turkey jerky, smoked salmon, tuna, oysters, cod, egg white, and milk.  
Beverages Buttermilk, coconut water, fresh vegetable juice, and herbal tea. Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.
Others Baking powder, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.

Eat healthy but make sure that the energy that you get from these foods is put to good use.

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 2 

Grilled Lean-Cut Lamb Satay


What You Need
  • Medium-sized lean cut lamb
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon ginger powder
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
  • A handful of coriander leaves
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. Finely chop the garlic cloves and throw them in a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Add all the other ingredients to the bowl except for the lamb and coriander leaves.
  3. Mix this marinade well.
  4. Put the lamb in the bowl and make sure to coat it evenly and generously with the marinade.
  5. Grill the lamb on both sides.
  6. Garnish with coriander leaves and sprinkle a few sesame seeds on top.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 2

By the end of Phase 2, you will notice a change in your body. You will feel light and active. You will also be more than excited to move on to Phase 3 of this diet plan.

StyleCraze SaysThis is a good time to lift weights and incorporate resistance training into your workout routine.

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3: Healthy Fats, Oils, And All Of The Above (Friday-Sunday)

This is the most active phase of this diet. Your metabolism is on fire, and you start to burn a lot of calories effectively. During this phase, you will eat a lot of healthy fats and oilsand a moderate amount of carbs, proteins, and fruits, and veggies that have a low glycemic index.

Phase 3 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup of green tea with lemon

Breakfast 1 glass avocado and kale smoothie
Pre-Lunch 2 almonds and 2 cashew nuts
Lunch Barbecue chicken salad


Spinach, tomato, and feta salad

Evening Snack apple
Dinner Asian-style veggie kebab


Grilled mackerel with yogurt dip

Bed Time 1 cup of soy milk
Why This Works

It is recommended to start your day with an effective detoxifierXSomething that removes harmful or toxic substances, rendering the object harmless and safe. . Green tea and lemon are just that. Breakfast is the most important meal, and incorporating avocado smoothie in your diet will help you consume a lot of healthy fats before your day begins. Stick to the recommended food options containing high fat and a moderate amount of carbs and protein. This will help your body get the right amount of healthy foods, which will trigger weight loss.

If you are a picky eater and do not like some of the foods listed in the diet chart, eat substitute foods mentioned below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 3
  • Green tea – Herbal tea or black coffee
  • Lemon – Cinnamon powder
  • Avocado – Peach
  • Kale – Spinach
  • Almonds – Pecan nuts
  • Chicken – Tuna or mushroom
  • Spinach – Lettuce
  • Tomato – Roasted bell peppers
  • Feta – Cottage cheese
  • Apple – Pear
  • Veggie kebab – Chicken/mushroom kebab
  • Mackerel – Tuna or chicken breast
  • Yogurt dip – Sour cream
  • Soy milk – Fat-free milk

The food choices are, however, not limited. You can eat the foods mentioned below as well.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To Avoid
Vegetables Artichokes, Brussels sprouts, green beans, beets, butternut squash, French beans, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, radish, watercress, leek, zucchini, celery, wax beans, asparagus, spinach, sweet potato, all types of onions, lettuce (except iceberg), collard greens, fennel, eggplant, garlic, green onions, peppers, rhubarb, shallots, okra, tomatoes, celery, cabbage, palm hearts, mushrooms, olives, cucumbers, and bean sprouts. Potato
Fruits Cherries, lime, lemon, grapefruit, cranberries, coconut, coconut water, coconut milk, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb, and prickly pears. Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Beef tenderloin, ground buffalo, chicken breast, skinless chicken, turkey, lamb chops, rabbit, sirloin steak, lean ground beef, lamb liver, roast beef, deli meat, turkey bacon, sausages, herring, shrimp, salmon, crab, calamari, lobster, smoked oysters, tuna, sea bass, trout, whole eggs, nuts, legumes, seeds, black beans, cashew milk, almond milk, pinto beans, fava beans, kidney beans, butter beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lima beans, lentils, vegan cheddar cheese, great northern beans, cannellini beans, and almond cheese.
Fats & Oils Hazelnuts, almonds, pecan nuts, coconut milk, almond butter, almond milk, hemp seeds, coconut butter, walnut butter, walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter, peanut butter, tahini, flax seeds, chia seeds, avocados, hummus, olive oil, pistachios, sesame seeds, sesame oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and rice bran oil. Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, butter, lard, soya bean oil, margarine, safflower oil, and canola oil.


Beverages Coconut water, fresh fruit and vegetable juice, vegetable smoothies, and buttermilk.


Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.


Others Carob chips, baking powder, mint, celery seed, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, pepper flakes, cardamom, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.


Related: 9 Healthy Sources Of Fats For Vegetarians To Consume

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 3

Spinach, Tomato, And Feta Salad


What You Need
  • A handful of spinach leaves
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1/2 cup roughly crumbled feta cheese
  • A handful of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. BlanchXTo cook vegetables by putting them in boiling water for a short time and removing them quickly to stop the cooking process. the spinach leaves by throwing them into a pot containing boiling water with a little salt. Take out the spinach leaves after 2 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the red onion and parsley and throw them in a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the salad bowl.
  4. Throw the feta cheese into the bowl and add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, and pepper.
  5. Toss and mix well.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 3

After having successfully completed all three phases, you will feel great about yourself. You will love it when you see your body transform. You will look and feel younger.

The fast metabolism diet can not only help you lose weight but also benefit you in many other ways. Here is a list of benefits of the fast metabolism diet.

Benefits Of The Fast Metabolism Diet


What You Need
  • 1 tortilla bread
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 5 broccoli florets
  • 1 lettuce leaf
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. JulienneXVegetables finely cut in thin short strips, used in salads and Chinese cuisine. the cucumber and carrot.
  2. Chop the lettuce leaf and thinly slice the broccoli florets.
  3. Throw all the veggies into a bowl.
  4. Add a dash of lime juice and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Toss and turn the veggies to mix well.
  6. Slightly grill the tortilla bread and put the veggie mix on the side.
  7. Top it with Dijon mustard and carefully wrap it.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 1

Eating healthy and tasty, along with exercising, will help in pumping some “feel-good” hormones into your system. You will feel more positive and energetic by the end of Phase 1.

StyleCraze SaysDo cardio workouts like biking, swimming, running, or walking to utilize the energy from carb-rich meals and burn extra calories.Related: 11 Important Health Benefits Of Spinach + Nutrition Facts

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 2: Proteins And Veggies (Wednesday & Thursday)

Now that your body is stress-free, it is time to step up and prep your body to burn fat. In this phase, your body will be conditioned to accelerate its metabolic rate to burn up what you eat and also start utilizing the stored fat as energy.

You will be on a high-protein, high vegetable, low-carb, and low-fat diet. A high-protein diet increases the secretion of the satiety hormone, reduces the secretion of the hunger hormone (ghrelin), and induces thermogenesisXBiological process in which burned calories or released energy results in heat production in organisms. (2).

Phase 2 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup warm water with half a lime and honey

Breakfast 2 scrambled egg whites and 1 glass unstrained orange juice or 1 whole seasonal fruit


1 glass vegetable smoothie with 1 tablespoon soaked chia seeds

Scrambled tofu or cottage cheese with vegetables

Pre-Lunch 1 glass of lemonade
Lunch Vegetable clear soup and 1 toasted multigrain bread.


Tuna sandwich (use multigrain bread)

Evening Snack 1 cup baby carrots
Dinner Grilled lean-cut lamb satay


Baked mushroom with veggies

Bed Time 1 glass fat-free warm milk
Why This Works

Lime, honey, and warm water make for a brilliant cleansing drink that can help your body lose fat (3). Phase 2 guides you to eat healthy and balanced portions of protein and veggies for balanced nutrition and satiety.

If you do not like or are allergic to a certain food listed in the diet chart, you can substitute the foods with those listed below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 2
  • Lime – 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • Scrambled egg whites – 2 hard-boiled egg whites or 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • Orange juice – Gooseberry or aloe vera juice
  • Vegetable smoothie – Fresh fruit juice
  • Lemonade – 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
  • Vegetable clear soup – Sautéed veggies
  • Tuna sandwich – Cucumber and tomato sandwich
  • Baby carrots – 1/2 cup pomegranate
  • Lamb satay – Mushroom satay or honey chicken
  • Baked mushroom – Grilled veggies with hummus
  • Milk – Soy milk

You don’t have to restrict yourself to the above-mentioned foods. Check out the next section to see what other foods you can eat.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To avoid
Vegetables Asparagus, French beans, yellow beans, green beans, kale, white beans, bib lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, all types of mushrooms, onions, pepper, garlic, onion, cucumber, collard greens, rhubarb, watercress, spirulina, leek, Swiss chard, and spinach. Potato, legumes, eggplant, bamboo shoots, sprouts, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, summer squash, potatoes, lemons, ketchup, lime, olives, avocados, tomato paste, and seeds and nuts.
Fruits Citrus fruits Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Lean cut beef, lean ground turkey, turkey bacon, chicken breast, turkey jerky, smoked salmon, tuna, oysters, cod, egg white, and milk.  
Beverages Buttermilk, coconut water, fresh vegetable juice, and herbal tea. Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.
Others Baking powder, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.

Eat healthy but make sure that the energy that you get from these foods is put to good use.

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 2 

Grilled Lean-Cut Lamb Satay


What You Need
  • Medium-sized lean cut lamb
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon ginger powder
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
  • A handful of coriander leaves
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. Finely chop the garlic cloves and throw them in a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Add all the other ingredients to the bowl except for the lamb and coriander leaves.
  3. Mix this marinade well.
  4. Put the lamb in the bowl and make sure to coat it evenly and generously with the marinade.
  5. Grill the lamb on both sides.
  6. Garnish with coriander leaves and sprinkle a few sesame seeds on top.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 2

By the end of Phase 2, you will notice a change in your body. You will feel light and active. You will also be more than excited to move on to Phase 3 of this diet plan.

StyleCraze SaysThis is a good time to lift weights and incorporate resistance training into your workout routine.

Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3: Healthy Fats, Oils, And All Of The Above (Friday-Sunday)

This is the most active phase of this diet. Your metabolism is on fire, and you start to burn a lot of calories effectively. During this phase, you will eat a lot of healthy fats and oilsand a moderate amount of carbs, proteins, and fruits, and veggies that have a low glycemic index.

Phase 3 Diet Chart

Early Morning 4 overnight soaked almonds

1 cup of green tea with lemon

Breakfast 1 glass avocado and kale smoothie
Pre-Lunch 2 almonds and 2 cashew nuts
Lunch Barbecue chicken salad


Spinach, tomato, and feta salad

Evening Snack apple
Dinner Asian-style veggie kebab


Grilled mackerel with yogurt dip

Bed Time 1 cup of soy milk
Why This Works

It is recommended to start your day with an effective detoxifierXSomething that removes harmful or toxic substances, rendering the object harmless and safe. . Green tea and lemon are just that. Breakfast is the most important meal, and incorporating avocado smoothie in your diet will help you consume a lot of healthy fats before your day begins. Stick to the recommended food options containing high fat and a moderate amount of carbs and protein. This will help your body get the right amount of healthy foods, which will trigger weight loss.

If you are a picky eater and do not like some of the foods listed in the diet chart, eat substitute foods mentioned below.

Food Substitutes – Phase 3
  • Green tea – Herbal tea or black coffee
  • Lemon – Cinnamon powder
  • Avocado – Peach
  • Kale – Spinach
  • Almonds – Pecan nuts
  • Chicken – Tuna or mushroom
  • Spinach – Lettuce
  • Tomato – Roasted bell peppers
  • Feta – Cottage cheese
  • Apple – Pear
  • Veggie kebab – Chicken/mushroom kebab
  • Mackerel – Tuna or chicken breast
  • Yogurt dip – Sour cream
  • Soy milk – Fat-free milk

The food choices are, however, not limited. You can eat the foods mentioned below as well.

Foods To Eat & Avoid
Food Foods To Eat Foods To Avoid
Vegetables Artichokes, Brussels sprouts, green beans, beets, butternut squash, French beans, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, radish, watercress, leek, zucchini, celery, wax beans, asparagus, spinach, sweet potato, all types of onions, lettuce (except iceberg), collard greens, fennel, eggplant, garlic, green onions, peppers, rhubarb, shallots, okra, tomatoes, celery, cabbage, palm hearts, mushrooms, olives, cucumbers, and bean sprouts. Potato
Fruits Cherries, lime, lemon, grapefruit, cranberries, coconut, coconut water, coconut milk, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb, and prickly pears. Ripe mango, jackfruit, and banana.


Protein Beef tenderloin, ground buffalo, chicken breast, skinless chicken, turkey, lamb chops, rabbit, sirloin steak, lean ground beef, lamb liver, roast beef, deli meat, turkey bacon, sausages, herring, shrimp, salmon, crab, calamari, lobster, smoked oysters, tuna, sea bass, trout, whole eggs, nuts, legumes, seeds, black beans, cashew milk, almond milk, pinto beans, fava beans, kidney beans, butter beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lima beans, lentils, vegan cheddar cheese, great northern beans, cannellini beans, and almond cheese.
Fats & Oils Hazelnuts, almonds, pecan nuts, coconut milk, almond butter, almond milk, hemp seeds, coconut butter, walnut butter, walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter, peanut butter, tahini, flax seeds, chia seeds, avocados, hummus, olive oil, pistachios, sesame seeds, sesame oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and rice bran oil. Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, butter, lard, soya bean oil, margarine, safflower oil, and canola oil.


Beverages Coconut water, fresh fruit and vegetable juice, vegetable smoothies, and buttermilk.


Aerated drinks, packaged fruit juices, packaged coconut water, and alcohol.


Others Carob chips, baking powder, mint, celery seed, cream of tartar, red wine vinegar, coconut vinegar, ginger powder, vanilla extract, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, rosemary, sage, thyme, apple cider vinegar, tomato sauce, mustard, chicken broth, vegetable broth, pepper flakes, cardamom, beef broth, pickles, tomato paste, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, chives, oregano, cumin, white vinegar, curry powder, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, and basil. Tomato ketchup, ranch, tartar sauce, barbecue sauce, and sweet chili sauce.


Related: 9 Healthy Sources Of Fats For Vegetarians To Consume

Fast Metabolism Diet Recipe – Phase 3

Spinach, Tomato, And Feta Salad


What You Need
  • A handful of spinach leaves
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1/2 cup roughly crumbled feta cheese
  • A handful of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
How To Cook
  1. BlanchXTo cook vegetables by putting them in boiling water for a short time and removing them quickly to stop the cooking process. the spinach leaves by throwing them into a pot containing boiling water with a little salt. Take out the spinach leaves after 2 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the red onion and parsley and throw them in a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the salad bowl.
  4. Throw the feta cheese into the bowl and add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, and pepper.
  5. Toss and mix well.
How You Will Feel At The End Of Phase 3

After having successfully completed all three phases, you will feel great about yourself. You will love it when you see your body transform. You will look and feel younger.

The fast metabolism diet can not only help you lose weight but also benefit you in many other ways. Here is a list of benefits of the fast metabolism diet.

Benefits Of The Fast Metabolism Diet


  • Keeps you healthy while you lose weight.
  • The foods recommended here are easily available in the market.
  • Helps to heal your body.
  • It can be followed by anyone.
  • You are not asked to starve.
  • Keeps your immune system healthy.
  • Strengthens your muscles and bones.
  • It is easy on your pocket.
  • This diet can also be followed by those who want to gain weight.

Related: 18 Health Benefits Of Tomatoes, How To Consume, And Recipes

Side Effects Of The Fast Metabolism Diet


  • There are no reported side effects of this diet. However, you may feel weak and nauseous due to the strict food plan you have to follow.
  • You may experience mood swings as you may crave for proteins on a carb day or vice versa.
  • You may find this plan as unsustainable as specific nutrient intake is being focused on instead of balanced approach.
  • There is very little evidence linking eating specific foods to boosting metabolism.

Things To Remember

  • Consult your doctor or dietitian before starting this diet plan.
  • Do follow this diet for 4 weeks to lose water weight as well as fat.
  • Follow all the phases inthe specified order.
  • You do not have to count your calories. Eat the recommended foods in each phase.
  • Avoid eating out. Prepare your lunch the previous night.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Do not avoid exercising. If you feel weak, do light stretching exercises.
  • Do not give up.

The fast metabolism diet helps you lose weight faster by increasing your metabolism. Combining this diet with a regular exercise plan, you may attain your weight-loss goals. However, this diet is not research-backed, and there is no evidence proving that eating certain meals can help boost your metabolism. Therefore, this diet is unsustainable. However, you can follow it for cosmetic reasons with the help of a dietitian.

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