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Sophie Turner Discusses Her Body-Image Insecurities: “Social Media Makes Me Anxious”

No matter how confident celebrities might seem on the outside, it’s important to remember that, beyond the glitz and glamour, they are real people who are likely struggling with the same things as us. And while someone like Sophie Turner might ostensibly have it all together — a happy marriage, a growing family, a successful acting career — the pressure to be perfect can still fester. Turner recently expanded on these feelings in an interview with Elle UK about her body-image insecurities, social media stress, and feelings of anxiety.

“I have noticed that social media makes me incredibly anxious, and it’s something I try to distance myself from,” she said in the interview. “I wish I’d never got myself involved with it in the first place. I look at the comments on Instagram and think, ‘Oh, f*ck. Everyone thinks this about me.’ It would completely consume me.”

The actor, best known for her role in “Game of Thrones,” explained how social media has had a negative impact on her body image. “One night, I was playing over and over in my mind a comment I’d seen on Instagram. I was like, ‘I’m so fat, I’m so undesirable’ and spinning out.” But Turner said she received a piece of life-changing advice from her live-in therapist, a “companion” the actor hired to help her manage her eating disorder: “‘You know, no one actually cares. I know you think this, but nobody else is thinking it. You’re not that important.'”

“That was the best thing anyone could have told me,” Turner said.

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