Weight Loss

Symptoms That Indicate You Need To Stop Fasting

Fasting is a method that most people practice for quick and effective results. While fasting comes with its set of benefits, it’s certainly not for everybody. If you show signs of tiredness, discomfort, and sickness, this is definitely your body giving you signs to stop fasting. In this article, we take you through how to fast safely and a few signs that suggest that you need to stop fasting.

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Symptoms That Indicate You Should Stop Fasting

Every individual looking forward to losing weight intends to fast until they shed those excess pounds. But not all can go through the fasting phase smoothly. If you are on a fasting spree and notice any of the following symptoms, you need to stop fasting:

  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • A burning sensation in the stomach
  • Chest pain or stomach pain
  • Menstruation

Stylecraze Says Keeping your fasting periods short is important because more extended periods may lead to fainting, dehydration, and dizziness.

Once you regain your energy, you can get back to fasting. The following tips will help you ensure you fast safely.

How To Fast Safely

1. Stay Hydrated


Individuals on a fast are likely to feel dehydrated. About 20 to 30% of the body’s fluid requirements are met through food, and fasting can alter this (1). Hence, it is important that you drink lots of water and stay hydrated while fasting.

Related: 15 Simple And Effective Home Remedies To Treat Dehydration

2. Restrict Your Calorie Intake


Fasting usually involves staying away from all foods/drinks for a period. However, instead of eliminating all sources of food, you can reduce your calorie intake on the days of fasting. This way, you will only consume 25% of your daily calorie requirements for two days a week to facilitate weight loss (2).

Did You Know? There are different types of fasting, like intermittent fasting, water fasting, juice fasting, calorie restriction, and partial fasting.

3. Do Not Feast While Breaking The Fast

As tempting as it may be to feast on all your favorite savories while breaking your fast, you should not do so. Feasting on a lot of food can leave you feeling instantly bloated and tired. It can also slow down the weight loss process as it will reduce the calorie deficit (3).

4. Keep The Exercises Mild


When you are on a diet, your body runs low on energy. Hence, keep your exercises mild. Indulge in strenuous workouts only on the days you aren’t fasting. As your body gets used to exercising, you can gradually start trying out high-intensity workouts to increase the utilization of the stored fat in your body (4).

Related: Best Exercises For Reducing Belly Fat At Home And Expert Tips

5. Take Additional Supplements


When you fast, you tend to miss out on a lot of nutrients essential for your body. People on a diet are deficient in a number of nutrients – including calcium, iron, and vitamin B12 (5). You can make up for these deficiencies by taking a nutritional supplement after consulting your healthcare provider.

6. Eat Whole Foods During Non-Fasting Days


It is important you eat whole foods on non-fasting days. This not only prevents deficiencies but also cuts the risk of severe illnesses like heart disease and cancer (6).

Related: Vegetarian Diet Plan For Weight Loss – Foods List, Health Benefits, Precautions

7. Eat More Protein


Consuming more protein is a necessity not only while working out but also when you want to lose fat and build muscles. Increase your intake of protein-rich foods like chicken, eggs, cheese, fatty fish, and nuts during the period you are not fasting (7).

While fasting once in a while can help cleanse and detox your system, you should not overdo it. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, or irregular menstruation are all signs to stop fasting. Staying well hydrated, with ample supplements, mild exercise, and restricted calorie intake can help you fast in a healthy and more effective way.

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