Beauty Style

10 Tips to Maintain Your Curls


1. Comb hair from the bottom

Use a wide tooth comb to work tangles out from the bottom up. Curly hair is more likely to break, so it is important to lightly work out the knots. Using a wide tooth comb allows your hair to freely untangle itself between the teeth versus a thin tooth comb where it will be easily tangled.

2. Style when wet

This allows you to shape your curls as desired while holding that curl for a longer period of time after drying. This is very convenient for those who like to shower in the morning. You do not have to worry about using a hair dryer to style it how you want.

3. Do not blow dry

This prevents frizzy hair. Try using a diffuser if you wish to dry your hair in another way besides air drying. All curly headed women know the disaster that frizzy curls cause!

4. Deep condition

Deep conditioning is good for all hair types. Moisturized hair equals healthy hair, so it is essential that this takes place at least a couple of times per month. This will keep your curly locks healthy and bouncy.

5. Sleep in the pineapple bun

The pineapple bun is a loosely gathered bun on the top of the head to help keep the shape and volume of your curls for styling the next morning. Super easy to do and even easier to style when you wake up to get ready the next day.

6. Get regular trims

Although this is true with any hair type, it is especially crucial to get your curly hair trimmed. Split ends tend to make your hair frizzy (what a nightmare). Trims will also allow your curls to be bouncy and look fresh.

7. Use a curling iron

You can always refresh your curls throughout the day with a curling iron. You shouldn’t have very many strands of hair to go over, but you can give some give some life to the dull pieces easily.

8. Sleep on a satin pillowcase

Satin pillowcases cut down on friction and breakage while tossing and turning in bed at night. Cotton pillowcases have been known to absorb the product in your hair as well as natural moistures and oils. As soon as the natural oils and moisture is stripped from your hair, it will become very dry and brittle. This is the stage where hair is easily damaged.

9. Don’t over shampoo

Shampooing your curls too often will cause the hair to dry out. This will result in dry, frizzy hair. It can also cause the hair to break off in the areas where it is really dry. Focus on shampooing your hair 2-3 times per week.

10. Stop Touching

The more you touch and handle your hair, the frizzier it becomes. Avoid constantly playing with your hair to alleviate frizz. Touching your hair also causes excess oil which will weigh the hair down. If you want free, bouncing curls on your head, try not to touch and play with it throughout the day.

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