Beauty Style

Modern Mystic: Aveda x Neill Explore Hair Trends with Winter 2021 Collection

Aveda x Neill highlights its fall-winter 2021 Modern Mystic collection with a new lookbook. Photographed by Wendy Hope, the photoshoot stars models Isabel Li, Jenny Craig, @thenativeflora, Sophia Barron, @theoriginalpagee, @jjjayme, and Kendra Unique. They wear new season hair trends inspired by freedom and creativity. Intricate braids, curly tresses, and bold bangs stand out. 

Kelsey Randall styles the shoot with creative direction by Allen Ruiz and production by Tatum Neill. Michelle Bowden, Kaitlyn Valderrama works, and @gregrybaladezhair work on color. For cut and styling, Call on an Angel, Marion Colton Jones, and @coco_shrimp also work on the shoot. Lauren Turner and Sasha Ahart are in charge of makeup.

Related: Aveda Channels Royal Portraits in ‘Sublime Spirit’ Lookbook

“Forward-moving, whimsical, and free, the cuts and colors of @neill’s @Aveda’s “Modern Mystic” Collection are reflective of the new self-awareness, freedom, and strength we now embrace living in our new world reality⁠,” a collection release states.

Aveda x Neill Modern Mystic Fall/Winter 2021 Lookbook by Wendy Hope

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