Beauty Style

How to Get a Tighter Neck from Home

So how do you get started with tightening your neck? We’ve put together a little guide of various tips and methods to implement into your daily routine. And if you are consistent enough, you should start to see real results quite fast!

Here are the top tips on how to get a tighter neck at home. 


1. Use a neck wand

This may sound really funny, but using a neck wand is one of the best ways to start getting your next tightened or even as a preventative measure before the signs of aging start to show! The neck wand, if used consistently, will be one of the best direct methods of getting your skin healthy and tight again. It really is like magic!

2. Indulge in hot massages

Having a hot massage around your neck is great for fixing those unwanted wrinkles on your neck. This is because there is extra moisture that is being gently kneaded into the skin. Plus, the heat is great for producing extra collagen in your skin, which will help more skin cells generate to get that neck looking tight and smooth!

3. Do neck exercises

Moving your neck is one of the best ways to keep the skin nice and tight. The more you move your neck, the tighter it will stay as it is constantly active and having to work hard. Doing exercises such as various yoga postures is a great way for your neck to stay firm and strong.

4. Have a healthy diet

When we eat healthily, our weight will be managed better. Gaining weight can make the elasticity in your skin go if it is stretched out for too long. So one of the best ways to prevent getting saggy neck skin is by looking after your weight before it gets out of control.

5. Drink lots of water

Hydration is one of the golden rules to maintain great skin and preventing signs of aging. The more hydrated your skin is the more elasticity it will retain! But try to avoid drinking really harsh water. Instead, go for mineral-rich water that will aid in getting your skin around your neck looking smooth, firm, and beautiful! 

6. Neck masks

Similar to a face mask, doing a neck mask is a great way to get the right nutrients directly to the area of skin that needs the most attention. You’ll be able to ensure that the antioxidants your skin needs will go directly to the key areas. Some of the best neck masks include banana masks, which you can even make on your own at home!

There is no need to live in fear of getting a saggy neck. With these six tips, you will be able to take both preventative and reversal measures to keep that area looking firm and elastic. They are easy life additions that will benefit not just your neck skin, but your overall health as well! What neck hack will you be trying first?


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