Beauty Style

Important Makeup Tips For Girls Who Wear Glasses

We are busy. We are moms, business women, friends, daughters, who do not have all the time in the world to experiment with colors and materials. Which is why we have created this handy guide specifically for ladies that rock glasses and want a makeup tip or two to try out. Check out some of our favorites below.


1) Light Eyeshadows Please

If you are trying to decide on the perfect eyeshadow color, aim for light shades. If you were to go dark, it could actually reflect those dark shades around your eyes and emphasize even the tiniest dark shades under your eyes. We love some like pinks, tans, or tones that are close to your skin tone or lighter.

2) Light Eyeliner

You know how important it is to use a light eyeshadow, the same goes for eyeliner. Go for a shade or two lighter than the color of your frames. This will ensure you do not have too many dark lines working across a small area. The lighter color will help add a bit of depth to the areas so you can easily create some dimension.

If you are wearing frameless glasses, then try to simply aim for a shade that is not dark black or a dark brown. Light colors like a pale purple or turquoise can be perfect for these scenarios.

3) & Thick Eyeliner!

Similar to point 2, you want to make sure your eyeliner does not blend in with the frames of your eyeglasses. One way to do this is by using a lighter eyeliner, but this can also be done by making your eyeliner slightly thicker than your frames.

For example, if your glasses frames are black, aim for a medium to light brown. Then when applying the eyeliner, look to make it slightly thicker than your frames. As you apply, continue to check how it looks with your glasses on.

It is also important to mention here, if your glasses frames are really thick you can just go with some normal lines and consider some of the other tips that will help your eyes pop.

4) Break Out The Eyelash Curler

Long and beautiful eyelashes have always been in style but those of us who need a little help with our eyesight has come to have a love/hate relationship with them. Sure they help us bat an eye with ease, but I have to make sure my mascara is completely dry before putting on my glasses – um hello mascara smudges!

But a fabulous friend of mine gave me the greatest tip. Curl your lashes! I stopped curling my lashes a while back, but now that glasses are part of my everyday wardrobe, I am finding curled lashes help prevent that annoying smudge your mascara can swipe across the glass!

5) No Bags

This may be more important depending upon your prescription, but we all know there are some glasses out there that can actually make your pretty eyes appear slightly bigger. No complaints here! Big beautiful eyes can certainly be a gorgeous look.

However, sometimes the bags and dark lines under our eyes are also enhanced. Um, no, thank you. So invest in a great under eye concealer. It doesn’t need to be super fancy or high end, you just want one that will provide a good layer of coverage at a base level.

6) Setting Powder

When I go from working, to a meeting, to driving, and everything in between, my glasses can slide a bit on my nose. Not enough to be annoying, but certainly enough to smudge my foundation. So it is important to consider a setting powder or spray that will help maintain your look throughout the day.

Frankly, I love setting powders and sprays. Even on days you don’t wear your glasses they are just overall great for maintaining a great look throughout your day!

7) Consider Your Lipstick

Remember when matching use to mean you wanted your shoes, purse, and belt all to be the same color? Yea, that style tip is a bit outdated. Today a mismatched or complementary color is much more modern and the same holds for the elements that build up your face. When purchasing a pair of glasses, try to avoid colors that easily blend in with your favorite lipsticks.

For example, if you love a classic red lip, avoid buying a pair of red glasses. Every once in awhile it can certainly be a great look but too often and it can become overdone. If you like pink lips, then maybe go for a more earthy tone frames or turtle shell. This will allow your lips to compliment your glasses and vice versa.

8) Clean Your Glasses

Ok, this one may be more skincare than makeup, but it is just as important! Every time you clean your face from your makeup, be sure to clean your glasses as well! Otherwise, this is going to be the prime location for oil and bacteria to build up.

A quick swipe with a makeup remover cloth is all you need. Be sure to get not just the part of the frame that lands on your nose, but the parts that hit your brows, upper cheek, and the sides of your face.

From eyeliner to the right mascara, we hope this list has guided you as you take on the new morning routine! We hope this helps accentuate your pretty features while allowing glasses to compliment your face and not overwhelm you. Glasses are a fun accessory, so play with different colors, techniques, and styles to help achieve your style.

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