Beauty Style

Rulan, Tyrece, Lylana Model Vegan Beauty for Hunger Magazine

Photographer Jordan Rossi captures a vegan and cruelty-free beauty story for Hunger Magazine. Teaming up with renowned makeup artist Pablo Rodriguez, the spread features wearable looks. A cast of women and men shows how makeup is now gender-neutral. The LGBTQ+ photographer shoots models Rulan, Tyrece, Lylana, Amadou, Lisa, Archie, and Godi for a series of evocative portraits. George Curran works on hair for the shoot with nails by manicurist Stacey Bushay.

“Everyone is wearing makeup now. It’s not restricted to gender, so it was important to craft a series of images that reflects our reality with a cast of different genders and skin tones,” Rossi shares.

“It’s always the right time to question where our beauty products come from. But now Vegan based beauty materials are definitely easier to find, there is a lot more available. Just go to any makeup brand website and search ‘vegan’, something will come up. That was not even an option a couple of years ago,” Rodriguez says.

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