Beauty Style

Unlocking Your Hair’s Potential: 8 Things That Slow or Stunt Hair Growth

Maybe you want locks like Rapunzel’s, but try as you might, you can’t seem to grow past shoulder-length. There are many reasons why hair might not succeed, and quite a few of them have remedies. If you’re stumped about your hair’s stunted growth, here are eight potential causes to explore.


Low collagen levels

Hair and skin consist of several minerals, but collagen is the binding ingredient for both. As you age, the body produces less collagen, causing sagging skin and stunted hair growth.

Having low collagen means your hair won’t grow as long or strong as it could. A collagen supplement (sometimes called hair, skin, and nail vitamins) can help boost your collagen levels. Make sure you find the best collagen supplement for your luscious locks.

Significant stress or illness

Stress and illness are significant causes of hair loss. If your body is constantly fighting off illness or high levels of stress, it doesn’t have time to focus on growing or maintaining your hair follicles.

Your doctor can deliver the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for your physical health. Stress is often manageable with therapy and self-care practices.


Unfortunately, some people are born under a short sign when it comes to hair length. It can be helped along by the right oils, supplements, and diet, but if slow hair growth runs in your family, that might be why your curls fall short of the finish line.

Damage from styling

One of the biggest misconceptions about hair is that skipping a trim every six to eight weeks will help your hair grow faster. Missing a trim is worse for your hair health, not better. Your split ends will travel further up the hair shaft, breaking and weakening it.

Breakage is made worse by heat styling, shampooing too often, and over-processing color. Your hair won’t be able to grow past the breakage length. Be gentle on your hair and trim it regularly for best results.


As you age, your body stops producing as much collagen. Hair grows less and tends to thin out as the years pass. If it is happening prematurely, you will want to see your doctor or a specialist for advice.

Scalp problems

Scalp build-up from products and dryness will stop growth at the source. Combat this stuntedness by scrubbing your scalp thoroughly, using a clarifying shampoo, and adding scalp oil to your regimen.

Lack of nutrients

Many growth issues come down to the body not having what it needs to succeed. A diet full of protein and essential vitamins is one of the best ways to keep your hair healthy. Along with collagen supplements, eating your greens can be the best method to boost length.

Hormonal imbalances

If your hair happens to be falling out at an alarming rate, see a doctor and have a blood test to see where your hormone levels are. Hormones control everything in the body, and sometimes they cause slow hair growth and thinning.


A collagen supplement, a protein-filled diet, and good hair and scalp care are the basics needed to help your hair get long and healthy. Be mindful of your genetics and age, and understand that hair growth is a slow process.

Regular doctor visits can help diagnose anything out of the ordinary and ensure that your body functions right. For luscious locks that just don’t quit, investigate these common causes of stunted hair growth for overlap with your habits.

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